Practice Merger Information

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Merger of the Patient Records Systems go live 2.5.23 – more information to follow

We invited patients from both practices and your families and/or carers to join our short online presentation and Q&A section to ask more about our practices merging to the GP partners. 

1st July 2022

We are pleased to announce that Chislehurst Medical Practice and The Woodlands Practice have now completed the legal process of merging the practice partnerships. The new organisation is called The Chislehurst Partnership.

 The two practice sites will continue to be known as The Woodlands Practice and Chislehurst Medical Practice and you will continue to access all of your normal GP services as usual from the practice site where you are registered.

In the future once the medical systems are merged, our patients will have access to see our clinical teams at either site, but for now, it is business as usual for your patient experience. 

 Next, we will be focusing on the formal merger of the separate NHS contracts and patient record systems.  We will be working closely with Bromley and South East London Primary care teams to ensure this is a smooth process and we will share regular updates on the dedicated merger page on our practice web sites .

Following our statement on 11th May 2022 and the drop-in session which many of you attended, we have received some very supportive feedback from our patients. We hope to hold another drop in session on line in the near future. Please review our FAQs below from May. 

11th May 2022

 Planned merger of the Woodlands Practice and Chislehurst Medical Practice

 The Woodlands and Chislehurst Medical practices are planning to formally merge on 1 July 2022. 

 Our two practices have been working closely together for some years, and a merger will further strengthen our partnership and enable us to provide you with more services from a wider range of experienced clinicians.

 The merger will also provide more security for our practices, enable us to thrive and become more sustainable and resilient so we can continue to provide high quality care for our patients in the heart of Chislehurst. In the short to medium-term we will continue to operate from our current sites, but longer term we would like to relocate to a new, single, purpose-built Health Centre in Chislehurst.

 The merger will unify our practices, but to start you will notice little difference.  Over the longer term the merger will help us to:

  •  Attract high calibre staff who want to work in a larger practice which offers a much broader range of services.
  • With more staff we can offer more appointments; so, you get the care you need, when you need it.
  • Offer you more flexibility so you can access services at either of our two sites in the future.
  • Provide more services such as tests, diagnostics, vaccinations, and proactive care for those with long-term conditions.
  • Provide more training and development opportunities for our staff and have a greater mix of different skills in the practice team.
  • Provide patients with more support when it is needed from other local health services, such as community nurses.
  • Support our patients to improve their health, wellbeing, management of long-term conditions and social welfare by connecting them to community and voluntary support services available in the local area.

 The proposed merger will be subject to a regulatory process, and we are very keen to get your views. 

 We are excited about the future for health care in Chislehurst and we would like to hear from any of you who might have questions. We have arranged a community event on Tuesday 17th May 2022 between 2-6pm where we will answer your questions and provide more information.  This will be held at The Old Chapel, 3 Queens Passage, Chislehurst BR7 5AP.
If you were unable to attend this event, we would like to ask you to share your views by answering a short survey  

A copy of the presentation can be found below                              

Dr Michael Choong                                                                 Dr Andrew Parson

Senior Partner                                                                         Senior Partner

The Woodlands Practice                                                        Chislehurst Medical Practice

On Tuesday 17th May 2022 Dr Andrew Parson and Dr Michael Choong presented information regarding the planned merger of Chislehurst Medical Practice and The Woodlands Practice.

The merger is due to proceed on 1st July 2022.