Chislehurst Medical Practice will make a reasonable charge for providing information. The charges will vary according to how the information is made available but will include staff time; administration costs; printing or photocopying costs; postage and any other out of pocket expenses incurred by the Practice in the provision of this information. Charges will be advised upon receipt of the request and must be agreed before the information is provided.
As a general guide, charges are as follows:
- Via the General Practice/Primary Care Trust Web Site – Free of charge, although any charges for Internet Service provider and personal printing costs would have to be met by the individual.
- For those without Internet access, a single print-out as on the website would be available by personal application at Chislehurst Medical Practice. However, requests for multiple printouts, or for archived copies of documents which are no longer accessible or available on the web, may attract a charge for the retrieval.
View our Fees for Private Services – In line with recommended BMA rates