Practice Charter

We are committed to giving you the best service we can. This is possible if we work together. Please help us to help you.

What We Will Do For You

  • Treat you with courtesy and respect at all times.
  • Uphold your absolute right to confidentiality in all medical matters. Your personal health information will only be shared with other health professionals involved in providing your care.
  • Ensure your right to information and answers to all questions about your health.
  • Give you information on the services we offer.
  • Give you the most appropriate care by suitably qualified staff.
  • Provide you with emergency care when you need it.
  • Refer you to a consultant when your GP thinks it necessary.
  • Refer you for a second opinion when you and your GP agree it is needed.
  • Give you access to your medical records subject to the limitations of the law.
  • Give you a full and prompt reply to any complaints you make about our services.
  • Guarantee you access to a health professional within 24 hours.

What You Can Do For Us

  • Please treat us with respect and courtesy at all times. Physical or verbal abuse will not be tolerated.
  • Please tell us if you are unsure about the treatment we are offering you.
  • Please request out-of-hours calls only in a genuine acute emergency.
  • Please allow two working days for repeat prescriptions.
  • Please try to keep appointments made and let us know as early as possible if you cannot attend.
  • Please help reduce waiting time by letting the receptionist know if treatment or advice is to be requested for more than one patient during a surgery consultation. Remember: only one patient per appointment.
  • Please telephone after 10.30am for results of investigations.
  • Please ensure visits to see a doctor are within surgery times.
  • Please try to help yourself by choosing sensible lifestyle measures.
  • Please let us know when you change your name, address or telephone number.

If we fail to meet these standards please tell us so that we can improve our services.