Text Messaging has become a key element in assisting with the delivery of care.
The Practice will opportunistically collect patient mobile telephone numbers as an alternative means of communication.
Patients over the age of 13 years must have an individual number attached to their record.
From March 2018 patients will be requested to consent specifically to the use of their mobile number for the purposes of health campaigns, health promotion and appointment reminders using either the patient registration form, a text message response or via a form that can be collected from Reception.
Patients MUST contact the practice if they change their mobile phone number. This will ensure there is no possibility of their confidentiality being breached.
The text messaging facility will be advertised to patients using:
- Patient in-house monitor displays
- Practice website
- Patient information leaflet
- The use of a sign-up form displayed within the leaflet rack
- Opportunistic encounters by reception staff and the clinical team
Text Messaging will utilise iplato and accurx .
Accurx can provide a secure facility for patients to respond to text messaging. Requests from clinicians for information/photos when agreed with the Practice will supply a secure response link.
Text messages will be used for:
- Appointment reminders direct from the clinical system
- Urgent messages regarding unavoidable appointment changes
- Requests from clinicians for information/photos where relevant to your care
- Links to connect to a video consultation
- Flu or other vaccination clinics for targeted eligible populations
- Chronic disease review invitations
- Blood pressure and cholesterol monitoring
- Smoking status updates
- Requests to contact the practice to arrange appointments or services. Test results will not be conveyed using text messages .Any information within the text message stating the reason for it being sent will be kept to a minimum.
If you prefer NOT to receive text reminders but still wish us to hold your mobile details please advise Reception.