Privacy Notices

Please note that all telephone calls are recorded.

The Chislehurst Partnership works hard to provide the public and patients with clear and accurate information relating to how their personal information is used by the organisation and publishes Privacy Notices on this website to inform service users of these uses.

These Privacy Notices help us to ensure that the use of your data is Fair, Lawful and Transparent in line with our organisational responsibilities under Data Protection Law.

Each notice provides a clear explanation of

    • the purpose for processing your data
    • the contact details for us and our Data Protection Officer
    • the lawful basis for processing your data
    • who your data may be shared with
    • your rights to object to the processing of your data
    • your rights to access your personal data and where appropriate to have it corrected
    • how long your data will be kept for
    • your right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office about how your data is processed

The Privacy Notices are designed to be Concise, Clear and Intelligible.  However, we would always welcome your questions regarding the use of your data if you feel this does not provide you with enough information or you would prefer any of the notices to be explained to you.

New updated data collection by NHS from GP Practices replaces the old GPES system from 1.7.21. Please use the link below for more information.


Privacy Notice – Safeguarding

Privacy Notice – HR, Staffing, Employment, Recruitment and Training

Privacy Notice – Payments

Privacy Notice – Research

Privacy Notice – NHS Digital

Privacy Notice – Reporting Gunshot and Knife Wounds

Privacy Notice – Patient Participation or Engagement Group

Privacy Notice – Public Health

Privacy Notice – Patient Communications

Privacy Notice – National Screening and Reporting Programs

NEL Privacy Notice – National Fraud Initiative

Privacy Notice – Minuteful Kidney service for patients with diabetes

Privacy Notice – Litigations & Claims

Privacy Notice – The Driving and Licencing Authority (DVLA)

Privacy Notice – Direct Care -GP Connect

Privacy Notice – Direct Care

Privacy Notice – CQC

Privacy Notice – Direct Care – Emergencies

Privacy Notice – Access to Medical Records

Privacy Notice – Complaints, SARs and FOI

Privacy Notice – Covid-19 clinical risk assessment tool

Privacy Notice – How we use your information

Privacy Information Leaflet Patients