Healthwatch Bromley is your local health and social care champion. From Beckenham to Biggin Hill and everywhere in between, we make sure National Health Services (NHS) leaders and other decision makers hear your voice and use your feedback to improve care. Please take five minutes to share your story with us.
The PPG is a group of patients and practice staff who meet at regular intervals to decide ways of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the practices to their patients. ie a critical, but supportive, friend.
Patient Participation Group Aims
The Patient Participation Group’s (PPG) aims are to:
- act as a bridge between the practices & their patients
- champion patients’ voices at PPG meetings
- provide information to patients through newsletters and other media
- provide feedback to the practices from the patients
- listen and act upon patient views
- facilitate the practices, as appropriate, with plans to move to the Library site
- act as a representative group that can be called upon to influence the local provision of health and social care.
How does the PPG meet?
The PPG panel consists of both a virtual group, connected together via an email distribution group, and an ‘actual’ group.
The actual group meets in person or online about 4 times a year. The meeting is attended by a manager and sometimes by a GP. We also have meetings outside these times to discuss specific issues as and when they arise.
Not everyone who is on our virtual panel attends the meetings but may let us know if there are any particular matters they wish to discuss.
We really appreciate the members of our patient panel who give up their time to represent the patient voice of the surgery. We are looking to be more representative so do please think about joining us. If you think you would like to be involved or have a suggestion, and are a current patient of either practice, please contact us
- By email to [email protected]. Please note this email address is not linked to The Practice and emails for the practice will not be passed on.
- Via suggestion boxes in both surgery waiting rooms
- By asking reception staff to forward your details to Alison Stammers, chair.
We do have a few ground rules, namely
- To work collaboratively, positively and in a supportive manner with the practices and each other
- The PPG is not a forum for complaints or grievances, but for ideas to resolve any issues
- Confidentiality to be maintained
We ask all members to sign and return our Terms of Reference & Confidentiality Agreements.
The following documents are available to read here:
Become a One Bromley Community Champion
Would you help us promoting health and wellbeing in Bromley? One Bromley health and care partners are working together to coordinate healthcare for Bromley residents. Volunteer with us to ensure health messages reach more residents across the borough. If you enjoy helping others and would like to make a difference in your area join the programme.
Let’s talk health and care in SE London
This is an online community for you to share your ideas, discuss important topics, provide feedback and help people live healthier lives in our shared communities. Get involved and participate in conversations about health in southeast London.
Contact the Patient Participation Group
If you have any suggestions, comments and feedback for the PPG please email us at [email protected]. Please note this email address is not linked to The Practice and emails for the practice will not be passed on.
We’re here to listen – and respond!
If you have a complaint, please follow the practice’s complaints procedure.
Follow us on Facebook or on Twitter These sites are dedicated to sharing useful updates and information from our local practices and local health groups to improve health and well-being and to keep patients informed.
PPG Committee
Chair – Alison Stammers – [email protected]
Vice Chair – Wendy Armitage
Secretary – Sally Bywater
Membership Secretary – VACANT
Committee Members: We currently have 25 PPG members including those named above.
PPG Newsletters
We aim to publish a newsletter occasionally. This will also be available in hard copy at the surgery and at the Library. Please ask the receptionists for a copy. It is designed to be a window into what is being discussed at the PPG meetings and any news on what is happening at the surgeries that will be of interest to patients.
The PPG welcomes any comments and views from you the patient, so do tell us what you would like to see included in future editions of the newsletter.
If you would like a personal copy please e-mail “PPG Newsletter” to [email protected]